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Legal Notice

Honor Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd.

Third Floor, 136 George St,

London, W1H 5LD,

United Kingdom

Honor Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd., as importer of Honor Branded Products, is responsible for all the legal matters related to Honor branded products on UK market.


Devices that are sent to this address for repair or as a return will not be processed and returned to the sender. If you have a service request such as a repair, return or complaint, please contact our service at

Company headquarters: Reading

Registered in England and Wales: Company No: 13152943

Legally represented by the Anthorized Representative of the Company: Mr. Bin Zhang


VAT No. GB 378779515

WEEE reg. No. :WEE/MM9635AA

Disclaimer of liability

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. However, no liability or guarantee can be given that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all links to other websites that are referred to directly or indirectly. All information can be changed, removed or supplemented without prior notice. Neither the publication nor its content may be changed in any way or distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior express consent of Honor Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd. As a consumer, you can also notify and file a complaint with the country's local online dispute resolution bodies. Honor is not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before an alternative dispute settlement body (ADR) or in an online dispute settlement (ODR) and does not intend to do so.

More Resources

UK Tax Policy (PDF)

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