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Unleash the Power of Magic

27. februára 2023 o 13:30
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Unleash the Power of Magic
Unleash the Power of Magic
27. februára
Unleash the Power of Magic
Theater 2, HALL 6
Fira Gran Via, Barcelona
Unleash the Power of Magic
George Zhao
CEO, HONOR Device Co., Ltd.
Expozícia HONOR
Unleash the Power of Magic
3H10, Hall 3
Unleash the Power of Magic
27. februára – 2.
marca 2023
Unleash the Power of Magic
Tešíme sa v Barcelone!
Svetový rekordný moment, ktorý automaticky zachytí HONOR Magic5 Pro
HIGHEST BETWEEN THE LEGS SLAM DUNK Achieved by Piotr Grabowski (Poland) in London, United Kingdom on 20 Jan 2023
HONOR Magic5 Pro automaticky zachytil moment lámania rekordu v Guinnessovej knihe rekordov
HIGHEST BETWEEN THE LEGS SLAM DUNK Achieved by Piotr Grabowski (Poland) in London, United Kingdom on 20 Jan 2023
HONOR Magic5 Pro bol nastavený na statív, aby automaticky zachytil magický okamih! 
Achieved by Piotr Grabowski (Poland) in London,
United Kingdom on 20 Jan 2023
HONOR Magic5 Pro automaticky zachytil moment lámania rekordu
v Guinnessovej knihe rekordov
HONOR Magic5 Pro bol nastavený na statív, aby automaticky zachytil magický okamih!
Sledujte globálne podujatie HONOR na MWC 2023,
ste boli svedkami skutočného kúzla, ktoré sa skrýva za "Dark Tech".

Unfold Your Magic

Unfold Your Magic

Technológie v pozadí Magic
Najväčšia "medzera" pri skladacích telefónoch...
práve odstránená - HONOR Magic Vs
One thing that HONOR has managed to do that Samsung has not yet figured out, is getting the phone to fold completely flat."
The HONOR Magic Vs definitely has a new take on folding phone hardware. I like seeing the innovation."
The battery has also easily the largest capacity we’ve ever seen in a folding phone."
And finally, the hinge is free, this is where all the ‘Magic’ happens inside the Magic Vs."
One thing that HONOR has managed to do that Samsung has not yet figured out, is getting the phone to fold completely flat."
The HONOR Magic Vs definitely has a new take on folding phone hardware. I like seeing the innovation."
The battery has also easily the largest capacity we’ve ever seen in a folding phone."
And finally, the hinge is free, this is where all the ‘Magic’ happens inside the Magic Vs."

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I'm never going back - HONOR Magic Vs

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HONOR Magic 5 Lite
HONOR Magic 5 Lite
Unleash the Power of Magic
120Hz OLED zaoblený displej | 2denná výdrž batérie (5 100mAh) | elegantný tenký dizajn
HONOR Magic 5 Lite