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What are the most popular android games you need to get to know on your phone? Here we are with an article that will reveal all!
Gaming is becoming a massive thing on smartphones. The technology has advanced enough to allow an experience that can genuinely rival that of a traditional console. Over and above that consideration, however, is the fact that your phone is something that stays with you, so it is infinitely more useful than a console, which you cannot lug around all day, of course.
Spare few minutes on the bus? Lunch break at work? Need some downtime in the evening? No problem. With the latest gaming smartphone, you can dive in whenever and wherever you want to. But what are the most popular new games for your phone? Well, read on and we will take a look at a selection of the latest and greatest.
PUBG is a phenomenon. With estimates of over 40 million players worldwide, it has certainly made an impact on the gaming scene. It sounds simple: you parachute onto a landscape, scavenge for resources and fight your fellow players, and all the while try to avoid being caught outside the safe area as the map shrinks. In reality, of course, like chess, the simplest of ideas prove to be the most devilish to master. You will quickly become hooked.
In a similar vein, and with oodles more publicity, Fortnite has been causing something of a storm thanks to its free version. It hasn't been popular in all quarters, though. Parents are worried that their children are spending too much time playing the game. And there is a big 'but' where Android is concerned. The game is not available on the Google Play Store, so you will have to install it directly from the maker Epic Games' website. Added to this is that it's in beta for Android, so you need to enter your email address and wait for an invite code.
If you fancy going all old-school, then this one is for you. If someone had invented PUBG twenty years ago, they may very well have made this game. In it, you're stuck in prison, but there is a chance to break out. To do that, though, you need to do jobs to build up a cash pot, then buy things you need for your escape plot from other well-connected prisoners. Oh, you can also steal stuff, too, but we couldn't possibly condone that!
Driving games are a good way to enjoy gaming on your HONOR phone. The very act of holding the screen in your hands makes them feel super realistic. Asphalt 9 is one of the good ones: it boasts a rich history of predecessors and comes equipped with plenty of cars to enjoy.
Finally, a slightly more surreal note. Ever seen MC Escher's logic-defying artworks? No? Then Google them straight away. Then, when you've managed to put your brain back together, try Monument Valley 2. It's based on those crazy drawings, and you guide a mother and child round the impossible structures. It follows on from the original, which was a smash hit. It's beautiful, and a neat idea, too. Enjoy!
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