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Warranty Policy

1. Preamble

This warranty is provided by HONOR International FZCO. In accordance with the laws and regulations relating to the protection of the rights and interests of the consumer in Kuwait, HONOR has formulated this Warranty (hereinafter the "Warranty") of the products, under which you may replace and repair the products. We sincerely hope that you are satisfied with HONOR products and we are willing to offer the related services.

1.1 Guaranteed products

This Warranty is only applicable and valid to HONOR brand officially sold in Kuwait. For products purchased from resellers, please contact the seller for after-sales warranty service.

1.2 Terms

Term Description
Accessory Replaceable object, without which the main product would still continue to work as normal (charger, data cable, etc.)
Part Object that forms an integral part of the main product, and is required for the main product to work as normal (battery, screen, mainboard, etc.)
Main product Product that incorporates all parts (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.)
Product Product that incorporates all parts and accessories

2. Warranty Service

HONOR provides warranty services for HONOR brand products and you could benefit from after-sales services at HONOR authorized service center in Kuwait.

2.1 Warranty period

The Product Warranty is as follows and from the date of purchase of the Product.

Product Category Sub-category Warranty Period
Phones Main product (including batteries) - 12 months
Packaged accessories Cables 12 months
Chargers 12 months
Protective cases Not covered by warranty
Eject pins Not covered by warranty
Wearables Main product (including batteries) - 12 months
Packaged accessories Cables 12 months
Charging cradles 12 months
Laptop Main product (including batteries) - 24 months
Packaged accessories Cables 24 months
Chargers 24 months
Tablet Main product (including batteries) - 12 months
Packaged accessories Cables 12 months
Chargers 12 months
Eject pins Not covered by warranty
Audio Audio products - 12 months
Packaged accessories Cables 12 months
Charging cases 12 months

• Click here to find the warranty period for your product.

• Please note that there is no warranty coverage for any products designed to protect HONOR devices, such as screen protectors and cover cases.

• If your device or corresponding accessories do not appear in the list above, feel free to contact our customer service at 22023086 for further assistance.

• Please note that official HONOR retailers in Kuwait do not provide warranty coverage for the gift products that are included in the product packaging.

2.2 Proof of warranty

You could benefit from after-sales service at any authorized HONOR service center with one of the necessary warranty proofs or information shown in the following table. In the event that such information is not provided or is incomplete or illegible, HONOR reserves the right to refuse the provision of the above service in the event of a warranty claim.

Proof of warranty Description
Invoice Original invoice that must clearly indicate the device, the price and the date of purchase.
Serial Number (SN) If you are unable to provide proof of purchase, the warranty start date will be 90 days after the date of manufacture (indicated by the serial number of the device.)

• Click here to find your product SN.

2.3 Replacement and Repair Service

Services Description
Replacement due to Non-User-Related Faulty Performance • If you apply to have your product replaced within 14 days due to non-user-related faulty performance, the distributor should replace your faulty product with an identical model. A new warranty period will start once you have received the replacement product.
In-Warranty Repair • Within the warranty period, you can access warranty-covered repair service for products with faulty performance at any HONOR authorized service center in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in Kuwait.
• Within the warranty period, repairable accessories with non-user-related faulty performance can be repaired free-of-charge; accessories that can't be repaired can be replaced free-of-charge.
Services Description
Out-of-Warranty Repair • Products that meet either of the following conditions are only eligible for paid out-of-warranty repair service:
1. Warranty period has expired.
2. Product has been damaged due to user-related faulty performance or unauthorized disassembly/repair.
• Paid out-of-warranty replacement (repurchase) will be offered for accessories that can't be repaired.

2.4 Out-of-Warranty Scenarios

• The warranty period has expired.

• Damage caused by transport, loading or unloading during replacement or repair.

• Any modification, disassembly, or repair without HONOR’s permission.

• Product damage caused by human handling, such as spilling liquids, dropping, unsuitable electrical voltage, excessive extrusion, motherboard deformation, etc. And other phenomena are also included, for example, the power adapter is damaged, cracked, broken or deformed, and the power cable is damaged, broken or stripped.

• Damage caused by non-compliance with the instructions for installation, maintenance or storage of the product. In general, any defect caused by non-compliance with the instructions.

• The model or product number on the warranty certificate is incompatible with the physical product, or the warranty certificate has been changed.

• The product identification plate, SN number and warranty label are removed or damaged and cannot be identified.

• Maintenance certificate and invalid invoices (excluding those who can prove that the products are within the warranty period).

• Failures or damage caused by force majeure such as fires, earthquakes and floods.

3 Commitment to repair quality

• The spare parts are original and certified with good quality

• In the case of a part replaced or repaired during the warranty period, the warranty remains applicable for the remainder of the period of validity of said product or for 90 days from the date of repair, whichever is longer.

• Only repaired or replaced spare parts/accessories benefit from a 90-day warranty extension for out-of-warranty scenarios.

• HONOR Authorized Service Center (ASC) staff will contact you to explain the limited warranty.

4 Replacement/Repair Guide

It is recommended to be well prepared before requesting a replacement or repair:

Service Complete host
and accessories
Complete and
original packaging
Valid proof
of warranty
Giveaways, bundled products,
and/or gifts (if applicable)
are included
Repair - - -

• If the product was purchased in a store, please go to the same store to request a replacement.

• If the product was purchased through an online store, please visit the store's website and submit a replacement request based on the website's instructions

• It is recommended that you attach proof of purchase when you send your device for maintenance.

• Before replacing/having the device repaired under this Warranty, you are required to make a backup of personal data (such as photos, contacts, call logs, etc.) of your Product, delete all personal information and disable all security passwords.

• HONOR shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any program, data, SIM card or removable storage space for which no backup has been made prior to handing over the Product to HONOR or a repair agency for repair under this Warranty.

• You can choose to go to the HONOR Authorized Service Center or repair by post to have your devices repaired, please check beforehand if the service center offers the repair service by post.

5. Other statements

• Specific models can be guaranteed in Kuwait, which refers to the reviews published on the official website.
• HONOR will not be held responsible for any other commitments or offers made by a third-party agent (retailer, distributor, etc.)

6. Laws and regulations relating to the protection of consumer rights and interests in Kuwait

Below are the laws and regulations relating to the protection in Kuwait of consumer rights and interests related to the previously mentioned HONOR products and services: Consumer Protection Law.

7. Contact us

If you encounter any difficulties, please contact us via:
Customer service hotline: 22023086
Live chat on our support page
HONOR Authorized Service Center Support from 9am to 5pm excluded Friday

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