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我的荣耀 开启荣耀之旅

App 内打开

Cannot disable Face unlock(Face recognition)

Cannot disable Face unlock(Face recognition)

If you cannot disable Face unlock (Face recognition), follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue:

1. Facial data may have not been deleted or may have been incorrectly deleted

You can use either of the following methods to delete facial data:

  1. Go to the face unlock screen and delete your facial data.
    • Search for Face recognition in Settings, enter the lock screen password when prompted, then touch Delete facial data and confirm the deletion in the pop-up dialog box. Once your facial data is deleted, Face recognition will be disabled automatically.
  2. Disable lock screen password
    • Go to Lock screen password > Disable lock screen password in Settings. Your lock screen password, fingerprint, and facial data will then be deleted. After the data is deleted, Face unlock (Face recognition) will be automatically disabled.

2. The components may be damaged or the software environment may be unstable

If your phone has suffered a heavy impact or been pressed resulting in damage to internal components, or if the software doesn't run stably because you haven't used an official charger, restart your phone and perform the steps above.

3. If the issue persists

If the issue persists, please back up your data and bring your phone and proof of purchase to Honor Authorized Service Centers for inspection and repair.


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