
The design of mobile phone wallpapers can be rich in detail, while the graphics for the personalized cards and mobile phone protective cases can be relatively simple and just highlight the key points.

The contest encourages contestants to use contemporary concepts and techniques to express their tribute to the culture of festivals from around the world. Whether it is festival totems or festival customs, you should attempt to pass them on, create and develop upon them from your own perspective. Your design may be a snapshot of this moment in time, and may also become a part of the cultural exchange of diverse festivals around the world.

Contestants participating in the Wallpaper Race Track are required to design and upload the following:

1. Wallpapers and Phone Cases Design

May be used as lock screen images, wallpapers or printed on phone cases.
Specifications: size 6,000 x 3,000 px, in JPG format, size ≤ 20M.

2. Personalized Cards

To be applied to mobile phone desktop and the card display on the dashboard, to allow quick viewing of app content, event reminders, etc.
Specifications: size 6,000 x 3,000 px, in JPG format, size ≤ 20M.

3. Main visual design image

Design elements may be used on HONOR products and peripherals.
Specifications: size 6,000 x 3,000 px, in JPG format, size ≤ 20M.

4. Animation Design

You can design Always On Display animations, other interactive effects, or screen dynamic effects such as gentle breeze, flowing water, etc.
Specifications: size 1920 x 1080 px, in MP4/GIF format, size ≤ 20M.
Note: It is not necessary to upload content, but uploading the animation design can boost the innovativeness and technological sense of the work.

5. Design Elaboration

Use words and images to explain your design concept or creative story, so that consumers can better understand the idea behind your creation.
Specifications: A4 size, in PDF format, size ≤ 20M.

Other Categories


Foldable Wallpapers




Open Designs


AR Interactive Artwork Design


Interactive Art Installation Design

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